472 – Bart van der Zee: Host of the Drum History Podcast, Connecting with the Drumming Community, Meeting Charlie Watts

Drum History Podcast was created in October of 2018 and has been on a journey to document the history of the drums ever since. Topics range from the very early beginnings of man’s involvement with percussion up to modern day innovations that are changing the drum industry. The show has seen major growth since its launch and has become a resource for many drum historians and enthusiasts around the world.

Bart van der Zee is a lifelong drummer with a deep passion for learning the full history of the drums. He has been a working musician for many years performing live and as a session drummer. Bart has worked as an audio engineer and has worked on a wide variety of projects including albums, commercials, TV and Film, and a number of podcasts.

In this episode, Bart talks about:

  •    Work / family balance
  •    Drum History Podcast
  •    Inspiring the next generation
  •    The popularity of the “gear episodes”
  •    WW2 era drum manufacturing
  •    Meeting Charlie Watts
  •    Creative ways to stay connected to the drumming community
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Episode 472

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