10 Reasons to Love Elvin Jones (Pt 1), “My Favorite Things” Beat, and Much More

We are kicking off season 5 with the first half of a “10 Reasons to Love…Elvin Jones” conversation between co-hosts Mike Dawson, David Throckmorton, and Thomas Wendt. We also share some industry news, a fun lesson based on Elvin’s pattern in the classic John Coltrane track “My Favorite Things,” and answer a listener question on upgrading an entry-level snare. Our warehouse pick of the week is a sweet deal on a handmade 5.5×14 8-ply maple Bucks County Prime Series snare drum, which can be purchased at: https://www.drumfactorydirect.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_1259&products_id=18443.

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