Professional jazz drummer Thomas Wendt tries out all the snare drum hoop options to assess which works best for his needs.
Professional jazz drummer Thomas Wendt tries out all the snare drum hoop options to assess which works best for his needs.
Special guest David Throckmorton tries all the snare hoop options to find his favorite for everyday gigging.
Ben Hilzinger is a Los Angeles-based drummer and songwriter with 20+ years of performing, recording and teaching experience. Currently the drummer for Eve 6 and Cannons, Ben has also written, recorded, and/or toured throughout the...
A Quick-Cut Comparison of All Non-Triple-Flange Snare Hoops
Dylan Wissing is a session drummer based in Hoboken, New Jersey, who has recorded for such artists as John Legend, Drake, Kanye West, Jay-Z and Eminem. He is best known as the drummer on Alicia Keys’ Grammy award-winning hit, “Girl on Fire,” and is...
Snare Hoop Shootout 2: Exploring the Sounds of Single-Flange, Stick Chopper, Die-Cast, and Wood
Master Gunnery Sgt. Chris Rose has spent the majority of his professional career in his role as percussionist, drumset specialist, and soloist with the United States Marine Band. “The President’s Own” comprises 160 members and takes various forms...
A-B comparisons of 1.6mm, 2.3mm, 2.5mm, and 3.0mm triple-flange hoops
In years past for milestone episodes, we would do something kinda special or make a big deal out of it in some way. This is definitely our biggest milestone yet but it comes at a time when neither of us (Zack & Matt), really have a lot of time...
Part 1 of a multi-part deep dive into snare drum hoops